
The several canons of CBOR (17 Apr 2022)

There are many encoding formats. CBOR is one of them. Like several others, a subset of it basically fine—I'm not starting that fight today.

Whatever encoding you use, it's nice to reduce flexibility. If there are multiple ways of encoding the same thing then, for anything with a non-negligible diversity of implementations, you'll find that there is a canonical encoding, it's just not documented. As soon as one implementation tries using a valid, but less common encoding, it'll find that it doesn't work and something will change to sort it all out. But that process of eventual coordination is expensive—better to do it explicitly and up-front.

For example, TCP options are chunks of tag–length–value and the spec doesn't define any restriction on their ordering. That didn't stop me blowing up a Ubuntu release because a change of mine happened to alter the order that Linux sent them, and some DSL modems dropped packets when options came in that order. That's an expensive discovery of an implicit canonicalisation rule.

If you're using CBOR then RFC 7049 has a section titled “Canonical CBOR”. One of the things it defines is how to order map elements. Great! No more TCP options messes. You can read that section for yourself, but one interpretation of the words there is what I'll call the three-step ordering for map keys:

  1. Lowest valued types come first then, within each type,
  2. Shortest encoded key comes first then, within consecutive keys with equal lengths,
  3. Sort lexicographically.

However, there is another interpretation of the same section which I'll call the two-step ordering. It drops the first step, i.e. doesn't sort by types. When I first read that section, I certainly came away with only one interpretation, but I can somewhat see how the other arises.

CTAP, the protocol for talking to security keys, uses CBOR a lot and explicitly picks the three-step ordering. An errata was eventually raised against the RFC to “clarify” that the three-step order was correct, but it was rejected as a semantic change. So perhaps that's an official ruling that two-step was the correct understanding?

It only matters if you mix different types of keys in the same map, and sometimes you don't, so maybe it's moot for you. (But keep in mind that negative and non-negative numbers are different types in CBOR.) Anyway, the IETF revised the CBOR RFC to firmly clarify the issue add a third option:

RFC 7049 is obsoleted by 8949. The old “Canonical CBOR” section is replaced by “Core Deterministic Encoding Requirements” and that specifies what I'll have to call the one-step ordering:

  1. Sort lexicographically on the encoded key.

It has some advantages! Like, why was it ever more complicated than that in the first place? But it was, and now there's two (or three) orderings. The two-step ordering even has a subsection of its own in the new RFC and a note saying that it “could be called Old Canonical CBOR”. If only shipped implementations were as changeable as the X-Men universe.

So that's why there's two and half “canonical” CBORs and now I have something that I can reference when people ask me about this.

Update: Someone on Twitter (Thomas Duboucher, perhaps? Sorry, I lost the tweet!) pointed out that the 1- and 3-step ordering give the same results in many cases. Having thought about it, that's correct! As long as you don't use maps, arrays, or tagged values as map keys, I believe they coincide. For something like CTAP2, where map keys are always ints or strings, they work out the same. So perhaps things aren't so bad. (Or perhaps a really subtle difference is worse! Time will tell.)