
OpenSSH: Old dog, new tricks (19 Mar 2005)

OpenSSH has hit version 4.0 (and 4.0p) and with that comes at least one cool new feature: hostname hashing.

If you (or anyone) cats ~/.ssh/known_hosts it lists all the hostnames of every host you ssh to. Probably not a big problem, but the new version of ssh lets you run ssh-keygen -H to hash all these values so that they look like:

|1|bZ457JK38+Bee4NMHxZMmkMqyKg=|+J6sIIzIAoUirdxXwY04fBsb8QQ= ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1y

This, obviously, is a fairly irreversible step (though ssh-keygen does make a backup, the same file name is used for every backup. So it lasts, at most, until the next time ssh-keygen changes the known hosts file.) It also means that you have to use the ssh-keygen -R to delete entries from now on.

Other things that people should do more often: Use ssh-keygen -l and publish the fingerprint of hosts which you expect people to ssh to. Over the phone you can use the -B option to get a more readable version.

Also, use ssh aliases. This is an old trick, but it save a lot of typing of hostnames and usernames (if your username varies across boxes at all). Just put something like this into ~/.ssh/config:

Host alias-name
User optional-username

Any option from man 5 ssh_config can go in there.
