
Dogs can't vote!Not direc... (09 May 2004)

Dogs can't vote!
Not directly

If you're American this is your task for today. Oi! Come back. I will hunt you down with my IP address guided custard pie if you don't.

  • Read this bill. If you don't agree with it, you're probably probably using this blog as an example of Communist propaganda - so I guess I've lost you. If this is the case then you can go now.
  • Lookup your representative
  • Lookup their contact details. Note them down - it's always useful
  • This is a list of people on the subcommittee that has to vote this bill up on the 12th. If your rep is on the subcommittee then phone or write (with paper) to them. If you're writing then lay it out properly with your address and signature and everything. Keep it short and don't rant.
  • If you phone them, you have to speak with the staff member who is dealing with this bill (or the general IP law staffer).
  • You can both phone and write, of course.
  • You can contact you rep even if they aren't on the subcommittee. You can also contact reps who are, even if they aren't your rep.
  • Form letters are bad - try to write it yourself.

When you have done this, email me or post a comment and I'll order the homing custard pie to self destruct.