
Passkeys (22 Sep 2022)

This is an opinionated, “quick-start” guide to using passkeys as a web developer. It’s hopefully broadly applicable, but one size will never fit all authentication needs and this guide ignores everything that’s optional. So take it as a worked example, but not as gospel.

It doesn't use any WebAuthn libraries, it just assumes that you have access to functions for verifying signatures. That mightn't be optimal—maybe finding a good library is better idea—but passkeys aren't so complex that it's unreasonable for people to know what's going on.

This is probably a post that'll need updating over time, making it a bad fit for a blog, so maybe I'll move it in the future. But it's here for now.

Platforms for developing with passkeys include:

  • Safari on iOS 16 or macOS 13.
  • Chrome Canary (with chrome://flags#webauthn-conditional-ui set) on Win­dows 22H2.
  • Chrome Canary (with chrome://flags#webauthn-conditional-ui set) on mac­OS.

Database changes

Each user will need a passkey user ID. The user ID identifies an account, but should not contain any personally identifiable information (PII). You probably already have a user ID in your system, but you should make one specifically for passkeys to more easily keep it PII-free. Create a new column in your users table and populate it with large random values for this purpose. (The following is in SQLite syntax so you’ll need to adjust for other databases.)

/* SQLite can't set a non-constant DEFAULT when altering a table, only
 * when creating it, but this is what we would like to write. */
ALTER TABLE users ADD COLUMN passkey_id blob DEFAULT(randomblob(16));

/* The CASE expression causes the function to be non-constant. */
UPDATE USERS SET passkey_id=hex(randomblob(CASE rowid WHEN 0
                                                      THEN 16
                                                      ELSE 16 END));

A user can only have a single password but can have multiple passkeys. So create a table for them:

CREATE TABLE passkeys (
  username STRING NOT NULL,
  public_key_spki BLOB,
  backed_up BOOLEAN,
  FOREIGN KEY(username) REFERENCES users(username));

Secure contexts

Nothing in WebAuthn works outside of a secure context, so if you’re not using HTTPS, go fix that first.

Enrolling existing users

When a user signs in with a password, you might want to prompt them to create a passkey on the local device for easier sign-in next time. First, check to see if their device has a local authenticator and that the browser is going to support passkeys:

if (!window.PublicKeyCredential ||
    !(PublicKeyCredential as any).isConditionalMediationAvailable) {

    (PublicKeyCredential as any).isConditionalMediationAvailable(),
  .then((values) => {
    if (values.every(x => x === true)) {

(The snippets here are in TypeScript. It should be easy to convert them to plain Javascript if that’s what you need. You might notice several places where TypeScript’s DOM types are getting overridden because lib.dom.d.ts hasn’t caught up. I hope these cases will disappear in time.)

If the user accepts, ask the browser to create a local credential:

var createOptions : CredentialCreationOptions = {
  publicKey: {
    rp: {
      // The RP ID. This needs some thought. See comments below.
      id: SEE_BELOW,
      // This field is required to be set to something, but you can
      // ignore it.
      name: "",

    user: {
      // `userIdBase64` is the user's passkey ID, from the database,
      // base64-encoded.
      id: Uint8Array.from(atob(userIdBase64), c => c.charCodeAt(0)),
      // `username` is the user's username. Whatever they would type
      // when signing in with a password.
      name: username,
      // `displayName` can be a more human name for the user, or
      // just leave it blank.
      displayName: "",

    // This lists the ids of the user's existing credentials. I.e.
    //   SELECT id FROM passkeys WHERE username = ?
    // and supply the resulting list of values, base64-encoded, as
    // existingCredentialIdsBase64 here.
    excludeCredentials: => {
      return {
        type: "public-key",
        id: Uint8Array.from(atob(id), c => c.charCodeAt(0)),

    // Boilerplate that advertises support for P-256 ECDSA and RSA
    // PKCS#1v1.5. Supporting these key types results in universal
    // coverage so far.
    pubKeyCredParams: [{
      type: "public-key",
      alg: -7
    }, {
      type: "public-key",
      alg: -257

    // Unused during registrations, except in some enterprise
    // deployments. But don't do this during sign-in!
    challenge: new Uint8Array([0]),

    authenticatorSelection: {
      authenticatorAttachment: "platform",
      requireResidentKey: true,

    // Three minutes.
    timeout: 180000,

  handleCreation, handleCreationError);


There are two levels of controls that prevent passkeys from being used on the wrong website. You need to know about this upfront to prevent getting stuck later.

“RP” stands for “relying party”. You (the website) are a “relying party” in authentication-speak. An RP ID is a domain name and every passkey has one that’s fixed at creation time. Every passkey operation asserts an RP ID and, if a passkey’s RP ID doesn’t match, then it doesn’t exist for that operation.

This prevents one site from using another’s passkeys. A passkey with an RP ID of can’t be used on because can’t assert an RP ID of A site may use any RP ID formed by discarding zero or more labels from the left of its domain name until it hits an eTLD. So say that you’re you can assert (discarding zero labels), (discarding one label), but not because that hits an eTLD. If you don’t set an RP ID in a request then the default is the site’s full domain.

Our example might happily be creating passkeys with the default RP ID but later decide that it wants to move all sign-in activity to an isolated origin, But none of the passkeys could be used from that origin! If would have needed to create them with an RP ID of in the first place to allow that.

But you might want to be careful about always setting the most general RP ID because then could access and overwrite them too. That brings us to the second control mechanism. As you’ll see later, when a passkey is used to sign in, the browser includes the origin that made the request in the signed data. So would be able to see that a request was triggered by and reject it, even if the passkey’s RP ID allowed to use it. But that mechanism can’t do anything about being able to overwrite them.

So either pick an RP ID and put it in the “SEE BELOW” placeholder, above. Or else don’t include the field at all and use the default.

Recording a passkey

When the promise from navigator.credentials.create resolves successfully, you have a newly created passkey! Now you have to ensure that it gets recorded by the server.

The promise will result in a PublicKeyCredential object, the response field of which is an AuthenticatorAttestationResponse. First, sanity check some data from the browser. Since this data isn’t signed over in the configuration that we’re using, it’s fine to do this check client-side.

const cdj = JSON.parse(
    new TextDecoder().decode(cred.response.clientDataJSON));
if (cdj.type != 'webauthn.create' ||
    (('crossOrigin' in cdj) && cdj.crossOrigin) ||
    cdj.origin != 'https://YOURSITEHERE') {
  // handle error

Call getAuthenticatorData() and getPublicKey() on response and send those ArrayBuffers to the server.

At the server, we want to insert a row into the passkeys table for this user. The authenticator data is a fairly simple, binary format. Offset 32 contains the flags byte. Sanity check that bit 7 is set and then extract:

  1. Bit 4 as the value of backed_up. (I.e. (authData[32] >> 4) & 1.)
  2. The big-endian, uint16 at offset 53 as the length of the credential ID.
  3. That many bytes from offset 55 as the value of id.

The ArrayBuffer that came from getPublicKey() is the value for public_key_spki. That should be all the values needed to insert the row.

Handling a registration exception

The promise from create() might also result in an exception. InvalidStateError is special and means that a passkey already exists for the local device. This is not an error, and no error will have been shown to the user. They’ll have seen a UI just like they were registering a passkey but the server doesn’t need to update anything.

NotAllowedError means that the user canceled the operation. Other exceptions mean that something more unexpected happened.

To test whether an exception is one of these values do something like:

function handleCreationError(e: Error) {
  if (e instanceof DOMException) {
    switch ( {
      case 'InvalidStateError':

      case 'NotAllowedError':


(But obviously don’t just log them to the console in real code.)

Signing in with autocomplete

Somewhere on your site you have username & password inputs. On the username input element, add webauthn to the autocomplete attribute. So if you have:

<input type="text" name="username" autocomplete="username">

… then change that to …

<input type="text" name="username" autocomplete="username webauthn">

Autocomplete for passkeys works differently than for passwords. For the latter, when the user selects a username & password from the pop-up, the input fields are filled for them. Then they can click a button to submit the form and sign in. With passkeys, no fields are filled, but rather a pending promise is resolved. It’s then the site’s responsibility to navigate/update the page so that the user is signed in.

That pending promise must be set up by the site before the user focuses the username field and triggers autocomplete. (Just adding the webauthn tag doesn’t do anything if there’s not a pending promise for the browser to resolve.) To create it, run a function at page load that:

  1. Does feature detection and, if supported,
  2. Starts a “conditional” WebAuthn request to produce the promise that will be resolved if the user selects a credential.

Here’s how to do the feature detection:

if (!window.PublicKeyCredential ||
    !(PublicKeyCredential as any).isConditionalMediationAvailable) {

(PublicKeyCredential as any).isConditionalMediationAvailable()
  .then((result: boolean) => {
    if (!result) {


Then, to start the conditional request:

var getOptions : CredentialRequestOptions = {
  // This is the critical option that tells the browser not to show
  // modal UI.
  mediation: "conditional" as CredentialMediationRequirement,

  publicKey: {
    challenge: Uint8Array.from(atob(CHALLENGE_SEE_BELOW), c =>


  handleSignIn, handleSignInError);


Challenges are random values, generated by the server, that are signed over when using a passkey. Because they are large random values, the server knows that the signature must have been generated after it generated the challenge. This stops “replay” attacks where a signature is captured and used multiple times.

Challenges are a little like a CSRF token: they should be large (16- or 32-byte), cryptographically-random values and stored in the session object. They should only be used once: when a sign-in attempt is received, the challenge should be invalidated. Future sign-in attempts will have to use a fresh challenge.

The snippet above has a value CHALLENGE_SEE_BELOW which is assumed to be the base64-encoded challenge for the sign-in. The sign-in page might XHR to get the challenge, or the challenge might be injected into the page’s template. Either way, it must be generated at the server!

Handling sign-in

If the user selects a passkey then handle­Sign­In will be called with a Public­Key­Credential object, the response field of which is a Authenticator­Assertion­Response. Send the Array­Buffers raw­Id, response.­client­Data­JSON, response.­authenticator­Data, and response.­signature to the server.

At the server, first look up the passkey: SELECT (username, public_key_spki, backed_up) FROM passkey WHERE id = ? and give the value of rawId for matching. The id column is a primary key, so there can either be zero or one matching rows. If there are zero rows then the user is signing in with a passkey that the server doesn’t know about—perhaps they deleted it. This is an error, reject the sign-in.

Otherwise, the server now knows the claimed username and public key. To validate the signature you’ll need to construct the signed data and parse the public key. The public_key_spki values from the database are stored in SubjectPublicKeyInfo format and most languages will have some way to ingest them. Here are some examples:

  • Java:
  • .NET: System.Security.Cryptography.ECDsa.ImportSubjectPublicKeyInfo
  • Go: crypto/x509.ParsePKIXPublicKey

Your languages’s crypto library should provide a function that takes a signature and some signed data and tells you whether that signature is valid for a given public key. For the signature, pass in the value of the signature ArrayBuffer that the client sent. For the signed data, calculate the SHA-256 hash of clientDataJSON and append it to the contents of authenticatorData. If the signature isn’t valid, reject the sign-in.

But there are still a bunch of things that you need to check!

Parse the clientDataJSON as UTF-8 JSON and check that:

  1. The type member is “webauthn.get”.
  2. The challenge member is equal to the base64url encoding of the challenge that the server gave for this sign-in.
  3. The origin member is equal to your site’s sign-in origin (e.g. a string like “”).
  4. The crossOrigin member, if present, is false.

There’s more! Take the authenticatorData and check that:

  1. The first 32 bytes are equal to the SHA-256 hash of the RP ID that you’re using.
  2. That bit zero of the byte at offset 32 is one. I.e. (authData[32] & 1) == 1. This is the user presence bit that indicates that a user approved the signature.

If all those checks work out then sign in the user whose passkey it was. I.e. set a cookie and respond to the running Javascript so that it can update the page.

If the stored value of backed_up is not equal to (authData[32] >> 4) & 1 then update that in the database.

Removing passwords

Once a user is using passkeys to sign in, great! But if they were upgraded from a password then that password is hanging around on the account, doing nothing useful yet creating risk. It would be good to ask the user about removing the password.

Doing this is reasonable if the account has a backed-up passkey. I.e. if SELECT 1 FROM passkeys WHERE username = ? AND backed_up = TRUE has results. A site might consider prompting the user to remove the password on an account when they sign in with a passkey and have a backed-up one registered.

Registering new, passkey-only users

For sign ups of new users, consider making them passkey-only if the feature detection (from the section on enrolling users) is happy.

When enrolling users where a passkey will be their only sign-in method you really want the passkey to end up “in their pocket”, i.e. on their phone. Otherwise they could have a passkey on the computer that they signed-up with but, if it’s not syncing to their phone, that’s not very convenient. There is not, currently, a great answer for this I’m afraid! Hopefully, in a few months, calling navigator­.credentials.­create() with authenticator­Selection.­authenticator­Attachment set to cross-plat­form will do the right thing. But with iOS 16 it’ll exclude the platform authenticator.

So, for now, do that on all platforms except for iOS/iPadOS, where authenticator­Attachment should continue to be plat­form.

(I’ll try and update this section when the answer is simplier!)


If you’ve used security keys with any sites then you’ll have noticed that they tend to list registered security keys in their account settings, have users name each one, show the last-used time, and let them be individually removed. You can do that with passkeys too if you like, but it’s quite a lot of complexity. Instead, I think you can have just two buttons:

First, a button to add a passkey that uses the createOptions object from above, but with authenticatorAttachment deleted in order to allow other devices to be registered.

Second, a “reset passkeys” button (like a “reset password” button). It would prompt for a new passkey registration, delete all other passkeys, and invalidate all other active sessions for the user.

Test vectors

Connecting up to your language’s crypto libraries is one of the trickier parts of this. To help, here are some test vectors to give you a ground truth to check against, in the format of Python 3 code that checks an assertion signature.

import codecs

from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import ec
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import (

# This is the public key in SPKI format, as obtained from the
# `getPublicKey` call at registration time.
public_key_spki_hex = '''

# This is the contents of the `clientDataJSON` field at assertion
# time. This is UTF-8 JSON that you also need to validate in several
# ways; see the main body of the text.
client_data_json_hex = '''

# This is the `authenticatorData` field at assertion time. You also
# need to validate this in several ways; see the main body of the
# text.
authenticator_data_hex = '''

# This is the signature at assertion time.
signature_hex = '''

def from_hex(h):
    return codecs.decode(h.replace('\n', ''), 'hex')

def sha256(m):
    digest = hashes.Hash(hashes.SHA256())
    return digest.finalize()

# The signed message is calculated from the authenticator data and
# clientDataJSON, but the latter is hashed first.
signed_message = (from_hex(authenticator_data_hex) +

public_key = load_der_public_key(from_hex(public_key_spki_hex))
# `verify` throws an exception if the signature isn't valid.

Where to ask questions

StackOverflow is a reasonable place, with the passkey tag.