LSMSB: A Linux Sandboxing Scheme

Adam Langley (
Version 20090606

  1. Kernel code
    1. Typechecking.
    2. Evaluating filters
    3. Installing the sandbox
    4. Interfacing with LSM
  2. The assembler
    1. Parsing
  3. Using a sandbox

This is LSMSB, a sandboxing scheme for Linux based on the ideas of the OS X sandbox (which, in turn, was inspired by TrustedBSD and FreeBSD).

Imagine that you're working on a university computer and you get a binary which promises to do some fiendishly complex calculation, reading from a file ./input and writing to a file ./output. It also talks to a specific server to access a pre-computed lookup table. You want to run it, but you don't want to have to trust that it won't do anything malicious (save giving the wrong answer).

You current options are very limited. Without root access you cannot setup a chroot jail, as troublesome as that is. If the system has SELinux or AppArmor installed, the tools are there but those are MAC systems and only root can define their policies.

Your best bet, currently, is either to use ptrace or to run a whole virtual machine. The former is slow and difficult to get right in the face of threads and the latter is a sledgehammer when we just want to crack a nut.

To address these concerns we need a sandboxing system which is:

  1. Available: The sandbox must be available to normal users. MAC systems which are only configured by root are not the correct solution for this.
  2. Flexible: seccomp is (currently) too rigid to really be useful. A sandbox must be able to express the correct level of authority.
  3. Reliable: The sandbox should not be open to races etc.
  4. Deployable: One should be able to use a sandbox via a couple of call in main(). If you have to implement an IPC system and pass file descriptors around in order to achieve reliability then that's a significant demerit.
  5. Composable: If I choose to impose a sandbox on a process before exec() then that process should still be able to impose another sandbox on itself. The resulting authority should be the intersection of the two sandboxes.
  6. Affordable: It should be reasonable to sandbox many processes. If the sandbox has a high performance impact, then that's a problem. If the sandbox requires a tracing process for every sandboxed process, then that's a problem.

We present a sandboxing scheme using the LSM hooks in the Linux kernel. At the moment this scheme is a prototype only and this code is based off of 2.6.30-rcx.

1 Kernel code

LSMSB uses the Linux Security Modules hooks to intercept security decisions in the kernel. The policies are implemented by tables of rules which are uploaded from user-space. Each process has a stack of zero or more sandboxes. Each sandbox may define a rule table for a given operation. An action must be accepted by all the sandboxes in the stack for it to be permitted. Child processes inherit the sandbox stack of their parents and are free to push extra sandboxes onto their stack. By construction, this can only reduce their authority.

Sandbox structure
struct lsmsb_sandbox {
atomic_t refcount;
struct lsmsb_sandbox *parent;
struct lsmsb_filter *dentry_open;
// TODO: add support for more actions

2 Rule tables

An LSMSB filter evaluates a table of rules to decide if a given action is permitted or not. The table of rules is specific to a given filter as the filter defines the context in which the table is evaluated. The context determines which arguments are provided to the table, their order, syntax and semantics. It also defines the meaning of the return code although, by convention, zero always means reject and non-zero means accept.

The rule tables are very limited. Conditionals do exist, but a rule can only jump forward, thus there are no loops. This also means that the rule tables are not Turing complete and are guaranteed to terminate.

The filter structure

Each rule in the table is a single 32-bit unsigned integer. Because constant values often don't fit in 32-bits, we need another way to deal with them. Thus constants are kept in a side array, linked with each filter. The rules in the table can reference them by their index.

For working storage, the rules in the table have an array of 16 registers which can either store a 32-bit unsigned integer or a byte-string (which is a normal string, but may contain NUL characters). If a table is exceedingly complex, it may need more than 16-registers of storage to hold temporary values. For these situations, we also allow the table to specify the number of spill slots that it needs. Spill slots act just like registers except that they have to be read and written explicitly.

From this, the structure for a filter is obvious:

Filter structure
struct lsmsb_filter {
unsigned num_operations;
unsigned num_spill_slots;
unsigned num_constants;
uint32_t *operations;
struct lsmsb_value constants[0];

// This is the maximum number of operations in a filter. Note that the code
// assumes that this value fits in a uint16_t with a couple of values to spare.
#define LSMSB_FILTER_OPS_MAX 32768

3 Filter values

The contents of registers, spill slots and constants are all ‘values’. These values are either a 32-bit unsigned int or a bytestring and represented by the following structure.

For integer values, value is the integer and data is set to NULL. For bytestrings, data is a pointer to the bytes (and thus not NULL) and value is the number of bytes.

Value structure
struct lsmsb_value {
uint8_t *data;
uint32_t value;

4 Operations

Each rule in the table consists of at least an operation, which is encoded in the top 8-bits. Given the operation, there are often other arguments (register numbers etc) encoded in the remaining 24-bits, the format of which is specific to each operation.

The operations are numbered from zero by the following enum:

MOV Move reg1 = reg2
LDI Load immediate reg1 = immediate value
LDC Load constant reg1 = constant value
RET Return value in register terminates the filter
JMP Jump Skips the next n rules
SPILL Spill register spill1 = reg1
UNSPILL Unspill register reg1 = spill1
JC Jump conditionally If reg1 > 0 then skip the next n rules
EQ Equal? reg1 = reg2 == reg3
GT Greater than? reg1 = reg2 > reg3
LT Less than? reg1 = reg2 < reg3
GTE Greater than or equal? reg1 = reg2 >= reg3
LTE Less than or equal? reg1 = reg2 <= reg3
AND Bitwise conjunction reg1 = reg2 & reg3
OR Bitwise disjunction reg1 = reg2 | reg3
XOR Bitwise exclusive-or reg1 = reg2 ^ reg3
ISPREFIXOF Bytestring prefix reg1 = reg2 ⊆ reg3
List of operations
enum lsmsb_opcode {

5 Available filter types

The type of a filter signifies the operation which it intends to filter, as well as the context that it runs in. (See above). Here are the currently defined filters.

Name Explanation Arguments
DENTRY_OPEN File open Filename(bs) and mode(i)
Filter codes
enum lsmsb_filter_code {
LSMSB_FILTER_CODE_MAX, // not a real filter code

6 Typechecking.

The rule tables are simple enough that they can be validated such that we can know they they can never cause a run-time error. This is helpful as it means that we can pay the verification cost once (when loading the table) and omit run-time checks when evaluating.

Predecessor table utility functions 22
Predecessor tables 7
Type unification 11
Typecheck function 20

7 Predecessor tables

For each rule in the table there is a set of rules which can be the immediate predecessor of that rule. In the simple case, the rule preceding will fall though and be the single predecessor. In more complex cases, a rule might be the target of several jumps and a fall though.

The predecessor table conceptually has n rows and x columns, where n is the number of rules in the rule table and x is a constant value. If we didn't have jumps each rule could only have a single predecessor, x could be one, and we would have a simple array. However, in the presence of jumps x may need to be greater than one.

In the pessimal case, every rule in the table except the last is a jump to the very last one. Then x would need to be n - 1, even though most of the slots in the table would be unused. Therefore we take a hybrid approach. We define x to be a small number and, if a row overflows, we mark it with a magic value. Most of the time this will work fine but, in exceptional cases, we have to deal with the overflows.

Predecessor tables
/* This is the magic unset value in the predecessor table. This value must be
* all ones because we clear the table with a memset. */
/* This is a magic value in the predecessor table which marks an overflow. */
/* This is the number of predecessors that we record, per row, before
* overflowing */

Appending to a predecessor table row 8
Building the predecessor table 9

8 Appending to a predecessor table row

Appending to a row simply involves scanning the entries in the row until a free slot is found. If we don't find a free slot we mark the first entry in the row with the magic overflow tag.

Appending to a predecessor table row
static void lsmsb_predecessor_table_append(uint16_t *ptable, unsigned target,
unsigned source)
uint16_t *row = &ptable[target * LSMSB_PREDECESSOR_TABLE_WIDTH];
unsigned i;

for (i = 0; i < LSMSB_PREDECESSOR_TABLE_WIDTH; ++i) {
return; // this is already an overflow row
row[i] = source;

/* we reached the end of the table without a spare slot. We have to mark
the row as overflowed. */

9 Building the predecessor table

We build the predecessor table by first clearing it then, for each rule, we find its one or two successor instructions and mark it as a predecessor for those instructions.

Building the predecessor table
static char lsmsb_predecessor_table_fill(uint16_t *ptable, const uint32_t *ops, unsigned num_ops)
unsigned i;

if (num_ops == 0)
return 1;

Clear the predecessor table 10

/* First we deal with all the elements except the last. */
for (i = 0; i < num_ops - 1; ++i) {
const uint32_t op = ops[i];
const enum lsmsb_opcode opcode = lsmsb_op_opcode_get(op);

if (lsmsb_opcode_falls_through(opcode))
lsmsb_predecessor_table_append(ptable, i + 1, i);
if (lsmsb_opcode_is_jump(opcode)) {
/* 0 <= i, jumplength <= 0xffff */
const unsigned target = i + lsmsb_op_jump_length(op);
if (target == i)
return 0; /* zero length jump */
if (target >= num_ops)
return 0; /* tried to jump off the end */
lsmsb_predecessor_table_append(ptable, target, i);

/* Now deal with the last operation. */
if (lsmsb_op_opcode_get(ops[num_ops - 1]) != LSMSB_OPCODE_RET)
return 0;

return 1;

10 Clearing the predecessor table

Since we chose our magic unused value to be 0xffff, we can clear the table using memset.

Clear the predecessor table
memset(ptable, 0xff, sizeof(uint16_t) * num_ops * LSMSB_PREDECESSOR_TABLE_WIDTH);

11 Type unification

Type unification is the process of finding, for each rule, the set of possible types for each register and spill slot. Since we only have two types (integers and bytestrings), we can encode this using only a couple of bits.

If we then find a rule which is going to operate on a register which could possibly hold the wrong type, we reject the rule table.

Type unification
lsmsb_type 12
Type vector utility functions 19
Predecessor testing function 18
Type vector unification 13
Type vector updating 14
Type vector arrays 15
Filter contexts 23
Getting a type vector for a filter 24

12 Type vectors

A type vector is an array of 2-bit values, one for each register and spill slot. Each 2-bit value is either:

Undefined: at the start of evaluation, every spill slot and register which isn't defined by the context has an undefined type.
Integer: an integer type.
Bytestring: a byte-string type.
Conflicting: the type differs depending on the control flow.
enum lsmsb_type {

static inline char lsmsb_type_is_value(enum lsmsb_type type)
return type == LSMSB_TYPE_U32 || type == LSMSB_TYPE_BYTESTRING;

static inline enum lsmsb_type lsmsb_constant_type_get(const struct lsmsb_value *v)

13 Unifying type vectors

Given two type vectors (say, the type vectors from the two predecessors of a rule), we unify them by considering each element of each vector, pairwise. Then, for each pair, if they match then we output that value, otherwise, we record the value as conflicting.

To implement this quickly, we try to operate on many elements concurrently. Most of the time a rule table will not use spill slots so the type vector will be 2 × 16 = 32 bits long and we can do them all in one go.

To understand the code below, consider a single pair of 2-bit inputs. If we exclusive-or them, we'll end up with a true bit in the result iff the inputs differed. If we could map 01, 10, and 11 to 11 and then OR with the original input, that would map equal inputs to themselves and differing inputs to LSMSB_TYPE_CONFLICTING. (Remember that LSMSB_TYPE_CONFLICTING has a value of 11 in binary).

In order to transform the exclusive-or output we define left to be the left bit and right to be the right bit. Then we OR together left, right, left >> 1 and right << 1. This results in the desired mapping.

We work with 32-bit quantities where possible and fall back to 8-bit values otherwise. Although the type vector might not be a multiple of 4 values long, we still operate on the undefined bits at the end because it's harmless and faster.

Type vector unification
static void lsmsb_type_vector_unify(uint8_t *a, const uint8_t *b, unsigned bytelen)
unsigned offset = 0;
while (bytelen >= 4) {
uint32_t u = *((uint32_t *) (a + offset));
uint32_t v = *((uint32_t *) (b + offset));
uint32_t x = u ^ v;
uint32_t left = x & 0xaaaaaaaau, right = x & 0x55555555;
uint32_t result = (left | (left >> 1)) | (right | (right << 1));
*((uint32_t *) (a + offset)) |= result;

offset += 4;
bytelen -= 4;

while (bytelen) {
uint8_t u = a[offset];
uint8_t v = b[offset];
uint8_t x = u ^ v;
uint32_t left = x & 0xaa, right = x & 0x55;
uint32_t result = (left | (left >> 1)) | (right | (right << 1));
a[offset] |= result;


14 Updating the type vectors for an operation

Each operation may require certain types as inputs and may mutate the type of outputs. We model this in a function which operates on type vectors.

At any point, if an operation would encounter a type error, we return 0.

Type vector updating
static char lsmsb_op_type_vector_update(uint8_t *tv, uint32_t op,
const struct lsmsb_value *constants,
unsigned num_constants,
unsigned num_spills) {
const enum lsmsb_opcode opcode = lsmsb_op_opcode_get(op);
unsigned reg1, reg2, reg3;
enum lsmsb_type type1, type2, type3;
unsigned c1, s1;

switch (opcode) {
reg1 = lsmsb_op_reg1_get(op);
reg2 = lsmsb_op_reg2_get(op);
type2 = lsmsb_type_vector_reg_get(tv, reg2);
if (!lsmsb_type_is_value(type2))
return 0;
lsmsb_type_vector_reg_set(tv, reg1, type2);
return 1;
reg1 = lsmsb_op_reg1_get(op);
lsmsb_type_vector_reg_set(tv, reg1, LSMSB_TYPE_U32);
return 1;
reg1 = lsmsb_op_reg1_get(op);
c1 = lsmsb_op_constant1_get(op);
if (c1 >= num_constants)
return 0;
type1 = lsmsb_constant_type_get(&constants[c1]);
lsmsb_type_vector_reg_set(tv, reg1, type1);
return 1;
reg1 = lsmsb_op_reg1_get(op);
if (lsmsb_type_vector_reg_get(tv, reg1) != LSMSB_TYPE_U32)
return 0;
return 1;
return 1;
s1 = lsmsb_op_spill1_get(op);
if (s1 >= num_spills)
return 0;
reg1 = lsmsb_op_reg3_get(op);
type1 = lsmsb_type_vector_reg_get(tv, reg1);
if (!lsmsb_type_is_value(type1))
return 0;
lsmsb_type_vector_spill_set(tv, s1, type1);
return 1;
reg1 = lsmsb_op_reg1_get(op);
s1 = lsmsb_op_spill2_get(op);
if (s1 >= num_spills)
return 0;
type1 = lsmsb_type_vector_spill_get(tv, s1);
if (!lsmsb_type_is_value(type1))
return 0;
lsmsb_type_vector_reg_set(tv, reg1, type1);
return 1;
reg1 = lsmsb_op_reg1_get(op);
if (lsmsb_type_vector_reg_get(tv, reg1) != LSMSB_TYPE_U32)
return 0;
return 1;
reg1 = lsmsb_op_reg1_get(op);
reg2 = lsmsb_op_reg2_get(op);
reg3 = lsmsb_op_reg3_get(op);
type2 = lsmsb_type_vector_reg_get(tv, reg2);
type3 = lsmsb_type_vector_reg_get(tv, reg3);
if (type2 != LSMSB_TYPE_U32 || type3 != LSMSB_TYPE_U32)
return 0;
lsmsb_type_vector_reg_set(tv, reg1, LSMSB_TYPE_U32);
return 1;
reg1 = lsmsb_op_reg1_get(op);
reg2 = lsmsb_op_reg2_get(op);
reg3 = lsmsb_op_reg3_get(op);
type2 = lsmsb_type_vector_reg_get(tv, reg2);
type3 = lsmsb_type_vector_reg_get(tv, reg3);
return 0;
lsmsb_type_vector_reg_set(tv, reg1, LSMSB_TYPE_U32);
return 1;
return 0;

15 Type vector arrays

A type vector array is a simply an array of type vectors, one for each operation in the rule table. We can build a type vector array by iterating over the operations, unifying the type vectors for all predecessors and then updating the type vector for that operation.

By the end we will have either found a type error or proved that evaluating the rule table will not encounter any run-time errors.

Type vector arrays
static char lsmsb_type_vector_array_fill(uint8_t *tva,
const uint16_t *ptable,
const uint8_t *context_tv,
const struct lsmsb_filter *filter) {
const unsigned tva_width = lsmsb_filter_tva_width(filter);
const uint32_t *ops = filter->operations;
unsigned i, j;

if (filter->num_operations == 0)
return 1;

memset(tva, 0, tva_width); /* set the first row to LSMSB_TYPE_UNDEF */
memcpy(tva, context_tv, LSMSB_NUM_REGISTERS / 4);

if (!lsmsb_op_type_vector_update(tva, ops[0], filter->constants,
filter->num_spill_slots)) {
return 0;

for (i = 1; i < filter->num_operations; ++i) {
const uint16_t *ptable_row =
uint8_t *tva_row = tva + i * tva_width;
char found_predecessor = 0;

handle overflowed row 17
} else {
handle normal row 16

if (!lsmsb_op_type_vector_update(tva_row, ops[i],
filter->num_spill_slots)) {
return 0;

return 1;

16 Unifying normal rows

With a row where the predecessor table didn't overflow, we can easily find the predecessor operations. For the first one, we need to copy its type vector. For all subsequent predecessors, we unify the current type vector with their type vector.

Here we also deal with the case of an operation with no predecessor. This can only occur if no control flow path leads to it. In this case, we reject the rule table. We assume that the tools used to generate the rule tables are sufficiently smart to remove dead code and we don't want to waste kernel memory keeping it around.

handle normal row
for (j = 0; j < LSMSB_PREDECESSOR_TABLE_WIDTH; ++j) {
const unsigned p = ptable_row[j];
const uint8_t *tva_row_p = tva + p * tva_width;
if (!found_predecessor) {
memcpy(tva_row, tva_row_p, tva_width);
found_predecessor = 1;

lsmsb_type_vector_unify(tva_row, tva_row_p,

if (!found_predecessor)
return 0; // Dead code.

17 Unifying overflow rows

When the predecessor table is marked as overflowed, we have to find all the predecessors ourselves. We can do this by checking all previous operations for jumps to the current operation and checking the previous instruction for fall though. (Recall that we only have forward jumps.)

handle overflowed row
for (j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
if (lsmsb_op_is_predecessor_of(ops, j, i)) {
if (!found_predecessor) {
tva + j * tva_width,
found_predecessor = 1;

tva + j * tva_width,

if (!found_predecessor)
return 0; // shouldn't ever happen

18 Testing for predecessor rules

Predecessor testing function
static char lsmsb_op_is_predecessor_of(const uint32_t *ops, unsigned i,
unsigned target) {
const uint32_t op = ops[i];
const enum lsmsb_opcode opcode = lsmsb_op_opcode_get(op);
if (i == target - 1 &&
lsmsb_opcode_falls_through(opcode)) {
return 1;

if (lsmsb_opcode_is_jump(opcode) &&
lsmsb_op_jump_length(op) + i == target) {
return 1;

return 0;

19 Type vector utility functions

Type vector utility functions
static inline unsigned lsmsb_filter_tva_width(const struct lsmsb_filter *filter)
return (LSMSB_NUM_REGISTERS + filter->num_spill_slots + 3) / 4;

static inline enum lsmsb_type lsmsb_type_vector_reg_get(uint8_t *vector, unsigned reg)
const unsigned byte = reg >> 2;
const unsigned index = reg & 3;

return (enum lsmsb_type) ((vector[byte] >> (6 - (index * 2))) & 3);

static inline enum lsmsb_type lsmsb_type_vector_spill_get(uint8_t *vector, unsigned slot)
return lsmsb_type_vector_reg_get(vector, slot + LSMSB_NUM_REGISTERS);

static inline void lsmsb_type_vector_reg_set(uint8_t *vector, unsigned reg,
enum lsmsb_type newtype)
const unsigned byte = reg >> 2;
const unsigned index = reg & 3;
static const uint8_t masks[4] = { 0x3f, 0xcf, 0xf3, 0xfc };
const uint8_t new_value = (vector[byte] & masks[index]) |
newtype << (6 - (index * 2));
vector[byte] = new_value;

static inline void lsmsb_type_vector_spill_set(uint8_t *vector, unsigned slot,
enum lsmsb_type newtype)
lsmsb_type_vector_reg_set(vector, slot + LSMSB_NUM_REGISTERS, newtype);

20 Bringing typechecking together

Pulling together the above code is straight-forward. We allocate memory for the predecessor table and type vector array and generate them both. If we manage to generate them both and the rule table checks out, then we're done.

Typecheck function
int lsmsb_filter_typecheck(const struct lsmsb_filter *filter,
const uint8_t *context_type_vector)
const unsigned tva_width = lsmsb_filter_tva_width(filter);
uint16_t *predecessor_table;
uint8_t *type_vector_array;
int return_code = -EINVAL;

predecessor_table = (uint16_t*) kmalloc(
filter->num_operations *
sizeof(uint16_t), GFP_KERNEL);
if (!predecessor_table)
return -ENOMEM;
type_vector_array = kmalloc(filter->num_operations *
tva_width, GFP_KERNEL);
if (!type_vector_array) {
return -ENOMEM;

if (!lsmsb_predecessor_table_fill(predecessor_table, filter->operations,
filter->num_operations)) {
goto exit;

if (!lsmsb_type_vector_array_fill(type_vector_array, predecessor_table,
context_type_vector, filter)) {
goto exit;

return_code = 0;

return return_code;

21 Evaluating filters

Since typechecking has eliminated most run-time errors from the filter, the evaluation of filters can happen without many of those checks.

The evaluation is straight-forward: a register machine is simulated with with the register values in an array on the stack. Each instruction is dispatched using a switch. There are several pieces of low-hanging fruit that could make this code faster but, for now, we choose the simplest code that works.

Evaluating filters
char lsmsb_filter_run(const struct lsmsb_filter *filter,
const struct lsmsb_value *init_values,
unsigned num_init_values)
unsigned ip = 0;
struct lsmsb_value regs[LSMSB_NUM_REGISTERS];
struct lsmsb_value *spills = NULL;
uint32_t op;
enum lsmsb_opcode opcode;
unsigned reg1, reg2, reg3, c1, s1;
unsigned imm;
char return_value, returned = 0;

memcpy(regs, init_values, num_init_values * sizeof(struct lsmsb_value));

if (filter->num_spill_slots) {
spills = kmalloc(sizeof(struct lsmsb_value) *
filter->num_spill_slots, GFP_ATOMIC);
if (!spills) {
printk("lsmsb: failed to allocate %u spill slots\n",
return 0;

for (ip = 0; !returned; ++ip) {
op = filter->operations[ip];
opcode = lsmsb_op_opcode_get(op);

switch (opcode) {
reg1 = lsmsb_op_reg1_get(op);
reg2 = lsmsb_op_reg2_get(op);
memcpy(&regs[reg1], &regs[reg2],
sizeof(struct lsmsb_value));
reg1 = lsmsb_op_reg1_get(op);
imm = lsmsb_op_imm_get(op);
lsmsb_value_u32_set(&regs[reg1], imm);
reg1 = lsmsb_op_reg1_get(op);
c1 = lsmsb_op_constant1_get(op);
memcpy(&regs[reg1], &filter->constants[c1],
sizeof(struct lsmsb_value));
reg1 = lsmsb_op_reg1_get(op);
return_value = regs[reg1].value > 0;
returned = 1;
ip += lsmsb_op_jump_length(op);
s1 = lsmsb_op_spill1_get(op);
reg1 = lsmsb_op_reg3_get(op);
memcpy(&spills[s1], &regs[reg1],
sizeof(struct lsmsb_value));
reg1 = lsmsb_op_reg1_get(op);
s1 = lsmsb_op_spill2_get(op);
memcpy(&regs[reg1], &spills[s1],
sizeof(struct lsmsb_value));
reg1 = lsmsb_op_reg1_get(op);
if (regs[reg1].value) {
ip += lsmsb_op_jump_length(op);
reg1 = lsmsb_op_reg1_get(op);
reg2 = lsmsb_op_reg2_get(op);
reg3 = lsmsb_op_reg3_get(op);
regs[reg1].value = regs[reg2].value == regs[reg3].value;
reg1 = lsmsb_op_reg1_get(op);
reg2 = lsmsb_op_reg2_get(op);
reg3 = lsmsb_op_reg3_get(op);
regs[reg1].value = regs[reg2].value > regs[reg3].value;
reg1 = lsmsb_op_reg1_get(op);
reg2 = lsmsb_op_reg2_get(op);
reg3 = lsmsb_op_reg3_get(op);
regs[reg1].value = regs[reg2].value < regs[reg3].value;
reg1 = lsmsb_op_reg1_get(op);
reg2 = lsmsb_op_reg2_get(op);
reg3 = lsmsb_op_reg3_get(op);
regs[reg1].value = regs[reg2].value >= regs[reg3].value;
reg1 = lsmsb_op_reg1_get(op);
reg2 = lsmsb_op_reg2_get(op);
reg3 = lsmsb_op_reg3_get(op);
regs[reg1].value = regs[reg2].value <= regs[reg3].value;
reg1 = lsmsb_op_reg1_get(op);
reg2 = lsmsb_op_reg2_get(op);
reg3 = lsmsb_op_reg3_get(op);
regs[reg1].value = regs[reg2].value & regs[reg3].value;
reg1 = lsmsb_op_reg1_get(op);
reg2 = lsmsb_op_reg2_get(op);
reg3 = lsmsb_op_reg3_get(op);
regs[reg1].value = regs[reg2].value | regs[reg3].value;
reg1 = lsmsb_op_reg1_get(op);
reg2 = lsmsb_op_reg2_get(op);
reg3 = lsmsb_op_reg3_get(op);
regs[reg1].value = regs[reg2].value ^ regs[reg3].value;
reg1 = lsmsb_op_reg1_get(op);
reg2 = lsmsb_op_reg2_get(op);
reg3 = lsmsb_op_reg3_get(op);
regs[reg1].data = NULL;
if (regs[reg2].value > regs[reg3].value) {
regs[reg1].value = 0;
} else {
regs[reg1].value =
memcmp(regs[reg2].data, regs[reg3].data,
regs[reg2].value) == 0;
// should never hit this
returned = 1;
return_value = 0;

if (spills)

return return_value;

22 Utility functions

We used a few utility functions in this code which we'll now flesh out.

Predecessor table utility functions
static inline enum lsmsb_opcode lsmsb_op_opcode_get(uint32_t op)
return (enum lsmsb_opcode) (op >> 24);

static inline char lsmsb_opcode_falls_through(enum lsmsb_opcode opcode)
return opcode != LSMSB_OPCODE_RET &&

static inline unsigned lsmsb_opcode_is_jump(enum lsmsb_opcode opcode)
return opcode == LSMSB_OPCODE_JMP || opcode == LSMSB_OPCODE_JC;

static inline unsigned lsmsb_op_jump_length(uint32_t op)
const unsigned opcode = op >> 24;
if (opcode == LSMSB_OPCODE_JMP || opcode == LSMSB_OPCODE_JC)
return op & 0xff;
return 0;

static inline unsigned lsmsb_op_reg1_get(uint32_t op)
return (op >> 20) & 0xf;

static inline unsigned lsmsb_op_reg2_get(uint32_t op)
return (op >> 16) & 0xf;

static inline unsigned lsmsb_op_reg3_get(uint32_t op)
return (op >> 12) & 0xf;

static inline unsigned lsmsb_op_spill1_get(uint32_t op)
return (op >> 16) & 0xff;

static inline unsigned lsmsb_op_spill2_get(uint32_t op)
return (op >> 12) & 0xff;

static inline unsigned lsmsb_op_constant1_get(uint32_t op)
return op & 0xff;

static inline unsigned lsmsb_op_imm_get(uint32_t op)
return op & 0xfffff;

static inline void lsmsb_value_u32_set(struct lsmsb_value *value, unsigned v)
value->data = NULL;
value->value = v;

23 Filter contexts

The context of a filter (the semantics and types of the registers on entry) are specified implicitly in the code for running each different type of filter. In order to perform typechecking we need to duplicate that information , or at least the types, here.

Filter contexts
struct filter_context {
const char *filter_name;
const char *type_string;

const struct filter_context filter_contexts[] = {
{"dentry-open", "BI"}, // LSMSB_FILTER_CODE_DENTRY_OPEN

24 Getting an initial type vector for a filter

Once we have filter_contexts, we can define a function to build an initial type vector for a filter given the type string.

Getting a type vector for a filter
static uint8_t *type_vector_for_filter(const struct lsmsb_filter *filter,
const char *context_string)
uint8_t *tv = kmalloc(lsmsb_filter_tva_width(filter), GFP_KERNEL);
unsigned i;

if (!tv)
return NULL;
memset(tv, 0, lsmsb_filter_tva_width(filter));
for (i = 0; ; ++i) {
switch (context_string[i]) {
case 0:
return tv;
case 'B':
lsmsb_type_vector_reg_set(tv, i, LSMSB_TYPE_BYTESTRING);
case 'I':
lsmsb_type_vector_reg_set(tv, i, LSMSB_TYPE_U32);
return tv;

25 Installing sandboxes.

A sandbox is installed from userspace by writing a compact representation of a set of filters to the kernel. Currently, the userspace process does this by writing to /proc/self/sandbox, although that could change in future versions.

Installing sandboxes
Installing a constant 31
Handling sandbox lifetimes 33
Installing a filter 30
Installing a sandbox 27

26 External structures

Several structures are used in the data which is provided to the kernel. These structures thus become part of the kernel ABI. They are named with a _wire suffix to mark them as such.

External structures
struct lsmsb_filter_wire {
uint32_t filter_code;
uint32_t num_operations;
uint32_t num_spill_slots;
uint32_t num_constants;

struct lsmsb_constant_wire {
uint8_t type; // 0 for integer, 1 for bytestring
uint32_t value;
/* In the case of a bytestring, the bytes follow and |value| is the length */

27 Installing the sandbox

The filters are prefixed by a uint32_t which contains the number of filters in this sandbox. As with most kernel APIs, the values are in native-endian.

Then we read each filter in turn and insert it into the correct place in the sandbox. Once we have a complete sandbox, we can push it onto the stack of active sandboxes for the current process.

Installing a sandbox

int lsmsb_sandbox_install(struct task_struct *task,
const char __user *buf,
size_t len)
uint32_t num_filters;
struct lsmsb_sandbox *sandbox, *current_sandbox;
struct cred *new_creds;
unsigned i;
int return_code;

Check for limits on the number of sandboxes 29

if (copy_from_user(&num_filters, buf, sizeof(num_filters)))
return -EFAULT;
buf += sizeof(num_filters);
if (num_filters > 1 /* FIXME */)
return -EINVAL;

sandbox = kmalloc(sizeof(struct lsmsb_sandbox), GFP_KERNEL);
if (!sandbox)
return -ENOMEM;
memset(sandbox, 0, sizeof(struct lsmsb_sandbox));

for (i = 0; i < num_filters; ++i) {
return_code = lsmsb_filter_install(sandbox, &buf);
if (return_code)
goto error;

Push a new sandbox onto the current process 28

return 0;


return return_code;

28 Pushing a new sandbox

The sandboxes are conceptually in a stack. The top of the stack is pointed by by the struct task_struct of a given process. Thus, pushing a new sandbox on the top of the stack involves an RCU update of the current struct task_struct.

Push a new sandbox onto the current process
atomic_set(&sandbox->refcount, 1);

new_creds = prepare_creds();
current_sandbox = new_creds->security;
if (current_sandbox) {
sandbox->parent = current_sandbox;
new_creds->security = sandbox;

29 Limiting the number of sandboxes

In order to stop userspace processes from consuming kernel memory unboundedly, we limit the number of sandboxes which can be active for any given process.

Check for limits on the number of sandboxes
for (i = 0, sandbox = task->cred->security; sandbox; ++i)
sandbox = sandbox->parent;
return -ENOSPC;

30 Installing a filter

Installing a filter involves copying the filter header from userspace, followed by the operation stream and any constants. At this point a number of limits are imposed on the sizes of the various structures for sanity's sake and also to avoid having to worry about integer overflows in other parts of the code.

At this point we also learn the filter_code, which identifies the hook that this this filter processes. Once we know the filter code, we can typecheck the filter.

Installing a filter
static int lsmsb_filter_install(struct lsmsb_sandbox *sandbox,
const char __user **buf)
struct lsmsb_filter_wire filter_wire;
struct lsmsb_filter *filter;
unsigned i;
int return_code = -ENOMEM;
uint8_t *type_vector;

if (copy_from_user(&filter_wire, *buf, sizeof(filter_wire)))
return -EFAULT;

if (filter_wire.num_operations > LSMSB_FILTER_OPS_MAX ||
filter_wire.num_spill_slots > LSMSB_SPILL_SLOTS_MAX ||
filter_wire.num_constants > LSMSB_CONSTANTS_MAX)
return -EOVERFLOW;
if (filter_wire.filter_code >= LSMSB_FILTER_CODE_MAX)
return -EINVAL;

*buf += sizeof(struct lsmsb_filter_wire);

filter = kmalloc(sizeof(struct lsmsb_filter) +
filter_wire.num_constants * sizeof(struct lsmsb_value),
if (!filter)
return -ENOMEM;
filter->num_operations = filter_wire.num_operations;
filter->num_spill_slots = filter_wire.num_spill_slots;
filter->num_constants = filter_wire.num_constants;
for (i = 0; i < filter_wire.num_constants; ++i)
filter->constants[i].data = NULL;

filter->operations = kmalloc(filter->num_operations * sizeof(uint32_t),
if (!filter->operations)
goto error;
if (copy_from_user(filter->operations, *buf,
filter->num_operations * sizeof(uint32_t))) {
return_code = -EFAULT;
goto error;
*buf += filter->num_operations * sizeof(uint32_t);

for (i = 0; i < filter_wire.num_constants; ++i) {
return_code = lsmsb_constant_install(&filter->constants[i],
if (return_code)
goto error;

type_vector = type_vector_for_filter(
filter, filter_contexts[filter_wire.filter_code].type_string);
if (!type_vector) {
return_code = -ENOMEM;
goto error;

return_code = lsmsb_filter_typecheck(filter, type_vector);
if (return_code)
goto error;

switch (filter_wire.filter_code) {
if (sandbox->dentry_open) {
return_code = -EINVAL;
goto error;
sandbox->dentry_open = filter;
return_code = -EINVAL;
goto error;

return 0;

return return_code;

31 Installing a constant

Each constant is described by a struct constant_wire and, optionally, followed by its data if it's a bytestring.

Installing a constant
static int lsmsb_constant_install(struct lsmsb_value *value,
const char __user **buf)
struct lsmsb_constant_wire constant_wire;

if (copy_from_user(&constant_wire, *buf, sizeof(constant_wire)))
return -EFAULT;
if (constant_wire.type > 1)
return -EINVAL;
*buf += sizeof(constant_wire);

value->value = constant_wire.value;
if (constant_wire.type == 0)
return 0;

if (value->value > LSMSB_CONSTANT_LENGTH_MAX)
return -EOVERFLOW;
value->data = kmalloc(value->value, GFP_KERNEL);
if (!value->data)
return -ENOMEM;
if (copy_from_user(value->data, *buf, value->value)) {
return -EFAULT;
*buf += value->value;

return 0;

32 Interfacing with LSM

LSM modules provide a structure of function pointers. Each function pointer corresponds to an LSM hook. For each hook that we wish to implement we need to provide a function which converts the hook's arguments to the form which the corresponding filter expects and runs the filter (if any) for each sandbox stacked on the current process.

LSM interface
dentry_open hook 35
LSM operations structure 36

33 Handling sandbox lifetimes

We only have to provide a couple of functions to handle sandbox lifetimes. One to destroy sandboxes and another to duplicate them. (The sandboxes are reference countered, so ‘duplicating’ is very cheap.)

Handling sandbox lifetimes
static void lsmsb_filter_free(struct lsmsb_filter *filter)
unsigned i;

if (!filter)
for (i = 0; i < filter->num_constants; ++i) {
if (filter->constants[i].data)
if (filter->operations)

static void lsmsb_sandbox_free(struct lsmsb_sandbox *sandbox)

Dealing with cred structures 34

34 cred structures

A struct cred contains the authority of a process; it's various UIDs and GIDs and an opaque pointer to the LSM data for a process. In our case, that points to the sandbox that is at the top of the stack for the process.

We need a couple of functions to deal with them. The first comes into play when duplicating a cred structure for a new process. The new process initially gets the same sandbox stack as the parent so we just copy the pointer and increment the reference count.

The second deals with freeing a cred structure. When freeing a sandbox we have to keep in mind that the parent pointer is reference counted. Thus, when we delete a sandbox that might cause it's parent to be deleted and so on.

Dealing with cred structures
static int lsmsb_cred_prepare(struct cred *new, const struct cred *old, gfp_t gfp)
struct lsmsb_sandbox *sandbox = old->security;
new->security = sandbox;
if (sandbox)
return 0;

static void lsmsb_cred_free(struct cred *cred)
struct lsmsb_sandbox *sandbox = cred->security;
struct lsmsb_sandbox *garbage;

while (sandbox) {
if (!atomic_dec_and_test(&sandbox->refcount))

// The refcount hit 0
garbage = sandbox;
sandbox = sandbox->parent;

35 The dentry_open hook

We now come the list of hooks. These functions are LSM hook functions which convert their arguments into a context for a filter and evaluate the stack of sandboxes.

dentry_open is called when a process opens a file. This function is currently incomplete as it doesn't deal with files which cannot be named in the current context (for example, the file is outside the current root for the process). Nor does it currently deal differences between the view of the filesystem that was active when the sandbox was installed vs the current view of the filesystem.

dentry_open hook
static int lsmsb_dentry_open(struct file *f, const struct cred *cred)
const struct lsmsb_sandbox *sandbox;
char buffer[512];
struct lsmsb_value registers[2];

struct path root;
struct path ns_root = { };
struct path tmp;
char *sp;

if (!cred->security)
return 0;
sandbox = cred->security;

while (sandbox) {
if (sandbox->dentry_open)
sandbox = sandbox->parent;

if (!sandbox)
return 0;
/* Taken from d_namespace_path(). */
root = current->fs->root;
if (root.mnt && root.mnt->mnt_ns)
ns_root.mnt = mntget(root.mnt->mnt_ns->root);
if (ns_root.mnt)
ns_root.dentry = dget(ns_root.mnt->mnt_root);
tmp = ns_root;
sp = __d_path(&f->f_path, &tmp, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
registers[0].data = sp;
registers[0].value = strlen(sp);
registers[1].data = NULL;
registers[1].value = f->f_flags;

while (sandbox) {
if (sandbox->dentry_open) {
if (!lsmsb_filter_run(sandbox->dentry_open,
registers, 2)) {
return -EPERM;

sandbox = sandbox->parent;

return 0;


LSM operations structure
struct security_operations lsmsb_ops = {
.name = "lsmsb",
.dentry_open = lsmsb_dentry_open,
.cred_prepare = lsmsb_cred_prepare,
.cred_free = lsmsb_cred_free,

37 Initialising the module

LSM modules, despite the name, can no longer actually be loadable modules. They are initialised during the boot sequence by the security code so that they can label kernel objects early on.

The security code only allows a single LSM module to register. Either this is the first module that tries to register, or the module named on the command line.

Module initialisation
static __init int lsmsb_init(void)
if (!security_module_enable(&lsmsb_ops))
return 0;

if (register_security(&lsmsb_ops))
panic("lsmsb: Unable to register with kernel.\n");

return 0;

#include <asm/atomic.h>
#include <linux/security.h>
#include <linux/types.h>
#include <linux/mount.h>
#include <linux/mnt_namespace.h>
#include <linux/fs_struct.h>
#include <linux/uaccess.h>

#include "lsmsb_external.h"

Value structure 3
Filter structure 2
Sandbox structure 1
List of operations 4
Filter codes 5
Typechecking 6
Evaluating filters 21
Installing sandboxes 25
LSM interface 32
Module initialisation 37
External structures 26

40 The assembler

Obviously humans are going to need some assistance when building these filter structures to load into the kernel. Preferably, a high level language would allow programmers to precisely specify their desired level of access. For now at least, we only provide a low level, assembly like language for this purpose.

The following code defines a sandbox with a single filter for dentry-open. If you recall, the context of dentry-open specifies that the mode argument to open is provided in register one. The following code tests the least significant bit of this argument (which requests write access) and fails if it's set.

LSMSB example code
filter dentry-open {
ldi r2,1;
and r2,r1,r2;
jc r2,#fail;
ldi r0,1;
ret r0;
ldi r0,0;
ret r0;

41 A more complex example

Here we have a more complex example which involves bytestrings and constants. As you can see, we define a bytestring constant named etc-prefix which we can use as an argument to ldc.

Once loaded, we test the bytestring in register zero (which, according to the context for dentry-open, is the full path to the file to be opened) and test that /etc/ is a prefix of the path.

LSMSB example code
filter dentry-open {
constants {
var etc-prefix bytestring = "/etc/";

ldc r2,etc-prefix;
isprefixof r2,r2,r0;
jc r2,#fail;
ldi r0,1;
ret r0;
ldi r0,0;
ret r0;
LSMSB example code 40
LSMSB example code 41

44 The filter structure

While parsing filters, we build up a structure called a Filter (we've switched to C++ for this code).
Filter structure
struct Filter {
: spill_slots(0),
filter_code(LSMSB_FILTER_CODE_MAX) {

bool Filter::Typecheck() const {... 65
bool Filter::Write() const {... 67

std::string name; // the name of the filter (i.e. "dentry-open")
std::vector<Constant*> constants;
unsigned spill_slots;
std::vector<uint32_t> ops;
const char *type_string; // the types of this filter's context
unsigned filter_code; // the enum value of the filter

45 The constant structure

Constants in this language have a name and a type. We implement this as a base class which holds the name with subclasses for each of the types.

The Write member serialises the constant to standard out in the external format which the kernel expects.

Constant classes
struct Constant {
explicit Constant(const std::string &n)
: name(n) {

enum Type {

const std::string name;

virtual Type type() const = 0;
virtual bool Write() const = 0;

struct ByteString : public Constant {
ByteString(const std::string &name, const std::string &ivalue)
: Constant(name),
value(ivalue) {

Type type() const {

bool Write() const {
struct lsmsb_constant_wire wire;

wire.type = 1;
wire.value = value.size();

if (!writea(1, &wire, sizeof(wire)) ||
!writea(1,, value.size())) {
return false;

return true;

const std::string value;

struct U32 : public Constant {
U32(const std::string &name, uint32_t v)
: Constant(name),
value(v) {

Type type() const {

bool Write() const {
struct lsmsb_constant_wire wire;

wire.type = 0;
wire.value = value;

if (!writea(1, &wire, sizeof(wire)))
return false;

return true;

const uint32_t value;

46 Parsing

The parser is written using Ragel which generates code for a state-machine parser from a description. Readers are directed to the Ragel documentation to fully understand the following.

The parser is non-recursive and uses a single int value for its current state. Several magic variables are used in the snippets of code embedded in the parser:

start A pointer, into the input, to the start of the current word/string etc.
fpc A pointer, into the input, to the byte which has just been parsed.
current_filter A pointer to a Filter structure.
line_no The current line number.
op The current operation (a uint32_t).

The first chunk of the parser defines an action (next_line) which increments the current line counter, a parser (ws) to skip whitespace and another action (start) to set the global start variable.

First chunk of Ragel code
action next_line {

ws = (' ' | '\t' | ('\n' %next_line) | "//" . (any - '\n') . ('\n' %next_line) | "/*" . any :>> "*/")*;

action start {
start = fpc;

47 Parsing a filter

Parsing a filter
filter = "filter" . ws . (token >start %filter_new) . ws . "{" . ws . constants? . spillslots? . inst* . ("}" @filter_push) . ws;

48 Starting to parse a new filter

In the Ragel chunk above, a token is parsed for the filter name and, at the end of the token, the filter_new action is called. This sets the global current_filter variable to a new filter and looks up the filter name in the list of supported filters

When a filter is complete, it's pushed onto a list of filters.

Starting to parse a new filter
action filter_new {
current_filter = new Filter;
current_filter->name = std::string(start, fpc - start);

for (unsigned i = 0; ; ++i) {
if (filter_contexts[i].filter_name == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error line %u: Unknown filter name '%s'\n", line_no, current_filter->name.c_str());

if (filter_contexts[i].filter_name == current_filter->name) {
current_filter->filter_code = i;
current_filter->type_string = filter_contexts[i].type_string;

action filter_push {
current_filter = NULL;

49 Parsing constants

Parsing constants
action constant_new {
current_const_name = std::string(start, fpc - start);

action constant_bytestring_hex {
current_filter->constants.push_back(new ByteString(current_const_name, hex_parse(std::string(start, fpc - start))));

action constant_bytestring_string {
current_filter->constants.push_back(new ByteString(current_const_name, std::string(start, fpc - start)));

action constant_u32 {
current_filter->constants.push_back(new U32(current_const_name, u32_parse(std::string(start, fpc - start))));

token = [a-zA-Z\-_][0-9a-zA-Z\-_]*;
u32 = "0x"? . digit+;
constant_u32 = "u32" . ws . "=" . ws . (u32 >start %constant_u32) . ws;
bytestring_literal_hex = "x\"" . ([0-9a-fA-F]* >start %constant_bytestring_hex) . "\"" . ws;
bytestring_literal_string = "\"" . ((any - '"')* >start %constant_bytestring_string) . "\"" . ws;
bytestring_literal = bytestring_literal_hex | bytestring_literal_string;
constant_bytestring = "bytestring" . ws . "=" . ws . bytestring_literal;
constant_type_and_value = constant_u32 | constant_bytestring;
constant = "var" . ws . (token >start %constant_new) . ws . constant_type_and_value . ws . ";" . ws;
constants = "constants" . ws . "{" . ws . constant* . "}" . ws;

50 Helper functions

Constant parsing helper functions
static uint8_t
from_hex_char(char h) {
if (h >= '0' && h <= '9')
return h - '0';
if (h >= 'a' && h <= 'f')
return (h - 'a') + 10;
return (h - 'A') + 10;

static std::string
hex_parse(const std::string &in) {
uint8_t *bytes = (uint8_t *) malloc(in.size() / 2);

for (size_t i = 0; i < in.size() / 2; ++i) {
bytes[i] = (from_hex_char(in[i*2]) << 4) |
from_hex_char(in[i*2 + 1]);

std::string ret((const char *) bytes, in.size() / 2);
return ret;

static uint32_t
u32_parse(const std::string &in) {
return strtoul(in.c_str(), NULL, 0);

51 Parsing the spill slots declaration

Parsing the spill slots declaration
action set_spill_slots {
current_filter->spill_slots = u32_parse(std::string(start, fpc - start));

spillslots = "spill-slots" . ws . (u32 >start %set_spill_slots) . ws . ";" . ws;

52 Parsing instructions

After the constants and spill-slots declarations, each line is an 'instruction'. I put the word in quotes because a jump target is included as an instruction according to the parser, but it doesn't actually emit an operation in the filter. Since all our jumps are forwards, jump resolution is simple and we do everything in a single pass.

Parsing instructions
inst = jump_target | and | ldc | ldi | jc | jmp | isprefixof | ret;

53 Parsing simple instructions

First we'll consider how to parse the easy instructions which don't reference any other structures.

Parsing simple instructions
Helper actions 54
Pushing operations 56
Parsing the simple operations 57

54 Helper actions

We build up the current operation (in the global op) as we parse, so we start with a bunch of helper actions for setting various parts of op.

Helper actions
reg = "r" digit+;

action set_reg1 {
op |= reg_parse(std::string(start, fpc - start)) << 20;
action set_reg2 {
op |= reg_parse(std::string(start, fpc - start)) << 16;
action set_reg3 {
op |= reg_parse(std::string(start, fpc - start)) << 12;
action set_imm {
op |= imm_check(u32_parse(std::string(start, fpc - start)));

55 Helper functions

Those helper actions called several helper functions which we'll expand on now:

Helper functions
static uint32_t
imm_check(uint32_t v) {
if ((v & 0xfffff) != v) {
fprintf(stderr, "Immediate value too large: %d\n", v);

return v;

static uint32_t
reg_parse(const std::string &r) {
return strtoul(r.c_str() + 1, NULL, 10);

56 Pushing new operations

Every time we complete an operation, we need to add it to the current filter:

Pushing operations
action push_op {
op = 0;

57 Parsing the simple operations

Parsing the simple operations
action opcode_ldi {
op |= static_cast<uint32_t>(LSMSB_OPCODE_LDI) << 24;
ldi = ("ldi" %opcode_ldi) . ws . (reg >start %set_reg1) . "," . ws . (u32 >start %set_imm) . ws . (";" %push_op) . ws;

action opcode_ret {
op |= static_cast<uint32_t>(LSMSB_OPCODE_RET) << 24;
ret = ("ret" %opcode_ret) . ws . (reg >start %set_reg1) . ws . (";" %push_op) . ws;

action opcode_and {
op |= static_cast<uint32_t>(LSMSB_OPCODE_AND) << 24;
and = ("and" %opcode_and) . ws .
(reg >start %set_reg1) . ws . "," . ws .
(reg >start %set_reg2) . ws . "," . ws .
(reg >start %set_reg3) . ws .
(";" %push_op) . ws;

action opcode_isprefixof {
op |= static_cast<uint32_t>(LSMSB_OPCODE_ISPREFIXOF) << 24;
isprefixof = ("isprefixof" %opcode_isprefixof) . ws .
(reg >start %set_reg1) . ws . "," . ws .
(reg >start %set_reg2) . ws . "," . ws .
(reg >start %set_reg3) . ws .
(";" %push_op) . ws;

58 Parsing ldc

The ldc instruction is a little more complicated since we have to translate the constant name, given in the instruction, into an index into the constant table.

We simply use the order which the constants were defined as the index and walk the vector till we find the correct index.

Parsing ldc
action set_const {
const std::string constant_name(start, fpc - start);
unsigned i;

for (i = 0; i < current_filter->constants.size(); ++i) {
if (current_filter->constants[i]->name == constant_name) {
op |= i;

if (i == current_filter->constants.size()) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error line %u: Unknown constant: %s\n", line_no, constant_name.c_str());

action opcode_ldc {
op |= static_cast<uint32_t>(LSMSB_OPCODE_LDC) << 24;
ldc = ("ldc" %opcode_ldc) . ws . (reg >start %set_reg1) . "," . ws . (token >start %set_const) . ws . (";" %push_op) . ws;

59 Parsing jumps

In the code which the kernel sees, all the jumps are expressed as an unsigned number of operations to skip. However, people don't like writing code like that, counting lines and all, so we let them specify jump targets as strings and define them later.

So, uniquely for jump instructions, we don't actually know what the exact operation is when we finish parsing the instruction: the offset is still unknown. Thus we keep a map of named jump targets to a vector of offsets into the operation list for jumps to that label.

When we parse a jump, we add an entry to the map for the current instruction and when we parse a jump target, we lookup in the map and write the correct offset for each instruction which jumps there.

Parsing jumps
action jmp_mark {
const std::string target = std::string(start, fpc - start);
const std::map<std::string, std::vector<unsigned> >::iterator i =

if (i == jmp_targets.end()) {
} else {

action opcode_jmp {
op |= static_cast<uint32_t>(LSMSB_OPCODE_JMP) << 24;
jmp = ("jmp" %opcode_jmp) . ws . '#' . (token >start %jmp_mark) . ws . (";" %push_op) . ws;

action opcode_jc {
op |= static_cast<uint32_t>(LSMSB_OPCODE_JC) << 24;
jc = ("jc" %opcode_jc) . ws . (reg >start %set_reg1) . ws . "," . ws . '#' . (token >start %jmp_mark) . ws . (";" %push_op) . ws;

action jump_resolve {
const std::string target = std::string(start, fpc - start);
const std::map<std::string, std::vector<unsigned> >::iterator i =

if (i == jmp_targets.end()) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error line %u: Jump target without any jumps (%s)\n", line_no, target.c_str());

for (std::vector<unsigned>::const_iterator
j = i->second.begin(); j != i->second.end(); ++j) {
current_filter->ops[*j] |= current_filter->ops.size() - *j;

jump_target = '#' . (token >start %jump_resolve) . ':' . ws;

60 Parsing a whole file

A file, as a whole, is just a list of filters:

Parsing a file
as := ws . filter*;

61 The main function

main(int argc, char **argv) {
Opening and reading the input 62
parsing-globls 63

%% write init;
%% write exec;

if (cs == as_error) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error line %u: parse failure around: %s\n", line_no, p);

typecheck-filters 64
serialise-filters 66

return 0;

62 Opening and reading the input

Opening and reading the input
if (argc != 2) {
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s <input file>\n", argv[0]);
return 1;

const int fd = open(argv[1], O_RDONLY);
if (fd < 0) {
perror("Cannot open input file");
return 1;

struct stat st;
fstat(fd, &st);

char *input = (char *) malloc(st.st_size);
read(fd, input, st.st_size);

63 Parsing variables

A detailed above, during parsing a number of globals are used. These happen to not actually be globals in the C sense. Since the parsing code is expanded inline into this function, the 'globals' are actually local variables to this function.

int cs; // current parsing state
uint32_t op = 0; // current operation
char *p = input; // pointer to input
const char *start = NULL;
char *const pe = input + st.st_size;
char *const eof = pe;
unsigned line_no = 1;
std::map<std::string, std::vector<unsigned> > jmp_targets;
std::vector<Filter*> filters;
Filter *current_filter = NULL;
std::string current_const_name;

64 Typechecking the filters

Once we have parsed the filters we typecheck them since the kernel will reject them anyway if they fail to typecheck. We simply call the Typecheck member on each filter which we'll expand upon below.

bool filter_failed = false;
for (std::vector<Filter*>::const_iterator
i = filters.begin(); i != filters.end(); ++i) {
if ((*i)->Typecheck()) {
fprintf(stderr, "Filter %s failed typecheck.\n", (*i)->name.c_str());
filter_failed = true;

if (filter_failed)
return 1;

65 Typechecking a filter

We wouldn't want the typechecking to diverge between the kernel and userspace, so we use the exact same code here as we do in the kernel.

We do so by filling out an lsmsb_filter structure and an array of constants.

bool Filter::Typecheck() const {...
bool Typecheck() const {
const unsigned data_len = sizeof(struct lsmsb_filter) +
constants.size() * sizeof(struct lsmsb_value);
uint8_t *filter_data = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(malloc(data_len));
memset(filter_data, 0, data_len);
struct lsmsb_filter *filter = reinterpret_cast<lsmsb_filter*>(filter_data);

filter->num_operations = ops.size();
filter->num_spill_slots = spill_slots;
filter->num_constants = constants.size();
filter->operations = const_cast<uint32_t*>(&ops[0]);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < constants.size(); ++i) {
// It doesn't matter what value we use, as long as it isn't NULL so
// |filter_data| is as good as any.
filter->constants[i].data = constants[i]->type() == Constant::TYPE_BYTESTRING ?
filter_data : NULL;

uint8_t* type_vector = type_vector_for_filter(filter, type_string);

const bool ret = lsmsb_filter_typecheck(filter, type_vector);

return ret;

66 Serialising the filters

Once the filters have been typechecked, we write them out to stdout in the format which the kernel expects to parse them in (see the kernel code for installing a sandbox). This code follows the pattern of typechecking: all the actual work is in an a Filter member function which we'll expand on below.

const uint32_t num_filters = filters.size();
writea(1, &num_filters, sizeof(num_filters));

for (std::vector<Filter*>::const_iterator
i = filters.begin(); i != filters.end(); ++i) {
if (!(*i)->Write()) {
fprintf(stderr, "Write failure writing to stdout\n");

67 Serialising a filter

We serialise a filter by filling out the external structures which the kernel expects and writing to stdout.

bool Filter::Write() const {...
bool Write() const {
struct lsmsb_filter_wire wire;
wire.filter_code = filter_code;
wire.num_operations = ops.size();
wire.num_spill_slots = spill_slots;
wire.num_constants = constants.size();

if (!writea(1, &wire, sizeof(wire)) ||
!writea(1, &ops[0], sizeof(uint32_t) * ops.size())) {
return false;

for (std::vector<Constant*>::const_iterator
i = constants.begin(); i != constants.end(); ++i) {
if (!(*i)->Write())
return false;

return true;

68 The writea utility function

This is a very thin wrapper around write which handles short writes.

static bool writea(int fd, const void *in_data, size_t length)
size_t done = 0;
const uint8_t *data = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(in_data);

while (done < length) {
ssize_t result;

do {
result = write(fd, data + done, length - done);
} while (result == -1 && errno == EINTR);

if (result < 0)
return false;
done += result;

return true;

69 Compatibility with kernel code

Several of the functions which we are using in this code were written for the kernel code and, as such, use kernel specific functions like kmalloc. In order to have them run in a userspace context we provide small shims for them.

Kernel compatibility code
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define GFP_KERNEL 0
#define BUG_ON(x) assert(!(x))

uint8_t* kmalloc(size_t size, int unused) {
return (uint8_t*) malloc(size);
void kfree(void* heap) { free(heap); }
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>

Kernel compatibility code 69
Value structure 3
Filter structure 2
List of operations 4
Filter codes 5
Typechecking 6
External structures 26
writea 68
Constant parsing helper functions 50
Helper functions 55

machine as;

First chunk of Ragel code 46
Starting to parse a new filter 48
Parsing constants 49
Parsing the spill slots declaration 51
Parsing simple instructions 53
Parsing ldc 58
Parsing jumps 59
Parsing instructions 52
Parsing a filter 47
Parsing a file 60

write data;

Constant classes 45
Filter structure 44
main 61

71 Using a sandbox

Once a sandbox has been built, using it is very simple. One needs only to write the sandbox to /proc/self/sandbox. We provide a very simple binary which installs a given sandbox and runs a shell within it.

Note that, because sandboxes are composable, this can be done multiple times.

Activate a sandbox
const int sandboxfd = open("/proc/self/sandbox", O_WRONLY);
if (sandboxfd < 0) {
perror("Opening /proc/self/sandbox");
return 1;

if (write(sandboxfd, buffer, st.st_size) == -1) {
perror("Installing sandbox");
return 1;
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>

static int
usage(const char *argv0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s <sandbox file>\n", argv0);
return 1;

main(int argc, char **argv) {
if (argc != 2)
return usage(argv[0]);

const int fd = open(argv[1], O_RDONLY);
if (fd < 0) {
perror("opening input");
return 1;

struct stat st;
fstat(fd, &st);

uint8_t *buffer = malloc(st.st_size);
read(fd, buffer, st.st_size);

Activate a sandbox 71

fprintf(stderr, "Sandbox installed\n");

execl("/bin/bash", "/bin/bash", NULL);

return 127;